It’s a timeless design element that resonates with human nature. The balance between straight, fine lines and curves is an art worth exploring!
2. Slats
This trend has been well-established for some time in Canada and the United States. Evolving from simple, urban designs to more sophisticated applications, slats have taken a creative turn. At the show, they appeared in various forms, from wall accents to frosted glass features, demonstrating versatility and style.
At EuroCucina, we witnessed many uses for slats, in every conceivable variation! From walls and doors to stone and frosted glass, no surface was spared. This is a recurring phenomenon at events of this kind. Exhibitors seek to impress visitors with elaborate concepts, rich in aesthetic elements. But should we follow suit at home? If you feel like it, why not! However, it shouldn’t just be out of a desire to follow the trend. We’re convinced that incorporating slats into our concepts is a good idea, but in moderation, to ensure the longevity of our design.
Here are a few examples: